In the field of Surgery, the hospital Operation Theatre is well equipped with State-of-the-art surgical machines, where all types Emergencies and routine of surgeries are successfully done on a daily basis by top surgeons of the state. Laparoscopic Surgery is also available along with General Surgery. Surgeries are organized as per convenience (time) of the Patients Faculties for day care surgery present. The use of the C-Arm facilitates Orthopedic Surgery such as Joint replacement. (Total/Hemi), Deformity Correction in children, Limb reconstruction surgery (Ilizarov/LRS), Complex trauma/reconstruction surgeries etc. Arthroscopic Surgery to be introduced soon. The casualty is handled in a modern Minor OT by experienced staff, including surgeons. Minor procedures like stitching/ Stitch removals, injections, Plaster applications etc. are done here.
The Surgery Department Includes: